Tuesday, December 15, 2009


In the stages of modifying a behavior the first stage involves a thinking process. This thinking process is one you most likely go through very often when trying to change something about yourself. Most of us don't get past this stage because we let fear and doubt scare us out of taking the next step. There is a reason the thinking process occurs: when behavior change thoughts surface into your consciousness its very important, because there is a very intimate relationship between your mind and body... therefore thoughts about behavior change mean the body is communicating with the mind, and we should pay attention!!!

There are two classifications of change driven thoughts: health and professional. Health thoughts are important directions to keep your body and mind healthy. Professional thoughts are important directions to keep the world around you healthy.

to be continued...
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Ongoing living

Hey Friends,

Fears, doubts, and settling. These things hold us from doing what we want to do. Think about a time you thought of something that could make you a millionaire ... or think of a time you knew how to make something 10times better at work . What stops you from going through with the idea? What stops you from speaking up to your boss? Fears, doubts and settling.

Its understandable that we fear, doubt, and settle for less so often. Our society is built on having safety and security... its built on making money, buying houses, and raising families. Any society's norms are very thick and tough. Its not easy to do something different. Sometimes something you want to do might not be any different from the social norms, it just might be out of your realm, or seemingly far fetched.

WELL, in reality, we are able to make any dream come true. Don't let fear or doubt make you settle for less. Whether you are trying to make something better at work, or lose 50lbs you can make it happen. Think of something you have wanted to do, or change in your life and think of why it hasn't happened yet. Why hasn't it happened??? What is holding you back from accomplishing your dream?

Remember we are all more similar than we are different. Everyone has things they want to do and don't. You know the feeling you get when a teacher or boss asks a question to the entire class or room and expects someone to answer... you know the answer, but don't speak up because you fear messing up, or having the wrong answer? What would it hurt to say it? In the same regards, trying never hurt anyone (depending on what you're trying).

Take steps toward accomplishing your dreams..
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Sunday, October 25, 2009

the balance

Hello :)

I want to talk about balance tonight (its 11:30). I base a lot of my theories on balance. We all attempt to keep a balance in our everyday lives. It keeps us satisfied, but is very sensitive to change. When the our bodies sense changes in our balance, they are quick to figure out a way to back to that balance. Usually, the shortest route is back to normality... back to how it was before. That is why it is MORE difficult to change something about yourself.
So my solution to this issue is to take baby steps, and use tender love and care when trying to help people change, or help myself change. In order to change something about yourself for life, you must take it slow, and beeee careful. We musn't wake the balance because it will want to go running back to where it came from.
This is the way I help people become happy and healthy. When I meet a client, I find out everything I can about them so that I have a good idea of how their balance has been kept in the past. When I know that, then I am able to encourage and guide them in the right direction, without disturbing their balance.
If you are trying to change something on your own... take small steps, and try to become more aware of your surroundings, emotions, thoughts, and actions. Being more aware of these things will help you know how your balance is kept, and it will also help you figure out where you are able to take small, non disruptive steps toward change.

Ask me questions :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The big illusion of life

Good Morning Fellow Humans

We live in movies, motion pictures starring us. We are the main character. Everything happens to us, everything is about us. When we get the chance we visualize and watch the movie, every chance we get actually... in the shower, before we go to bed, driving in the car, even talking with our friends. Our movie goes on and on and on.
This movie is our self created illusion. We see ourselves like this, we predict the future using this, and we create preconceptions like this. It is normal, and it is natural. The key is to control your illusions. The key is to have positive illusions.... about yourself, about other people, and about the world you live in. Magnetize your hopes and dreams right into your movie by loving yourself, others and your world.
Use your wisdom and let things go that would normally cause conflict in your movie; when adverse things occur, ask yourself "am I ok?". Usually, you are and/or usually you can be, unless you die, then you can't ask that question. So if you are ok... then your mind can't create the illusion that you are not ok, and cause conflict in your life.
Write down what your intentions are in life. Write your goals down. Then you'll have a clearer picture of what you are actually doing in life, and you'll be less likely to feel lost, unappreciated, or unneeded. Like I talked about in the last blog, do things because you want to do them.. not because its what everyone else has done, or its the social norm. Think about the choices you make in life, and you'll have less room to allude that you don't have purpose.
Love yourself! If you are positive about yourself all the way around, you'll be healthier and happier with YOU. Accept you right now, concentrate on what you do have instead of what you don't have. This will allow your movie to be less self loathing, and even lead to being more accepting of the people around you. This will also lead to less conflict in your movie :)

Know that the universe is inside you, the answers are with in... If you aren't careful about your movie, it could get boring because it will be repetitive. You'll be presented with the same scenarios, only in different colors, with different people, with more or less intensity. When conflict arises, find the lesson with in it, learn and move on. Change is inevitable, so depend on it :)

Love(verb) YOU.
Love(verb) ME.
Love(verb) your world.


Friday, July 31, 2009

Because its what I wanted to do!

I wanted to go dancing, so I did.
I want to go dancing again, so I will.

Do things because you want to do them. Before you participate in an activity, ask yourself if it is going to benefit you and/or the people around you. Are you doing it for YOU? Are you doing it because you want to participate?

We all have to do certain things we don't particularly want to do, but find a way to understand how by doing it you will benefit yourself, and/or the people around you in a good way. And by "benefiting" other people, I don't mean to "please" others. I'm talking about a philanthropic style benefit.

If you find yourself doing things you don't want to do... in order to please someone else, the relationship you have with that person will suffer. If you are doing things you don't want to do because you are pleasing society, the relationship you have with yourself will suffer.

So do something "because its what I wanted to do". Then when someone asks you "what motivated you to do blah blah blah, you'll know.

I love to dance, so I dance a lot!

Love (verb) you!

Monday, July 20, 2009


Hi, my name is Jes
I am just me
The world looks the way it looks only through MY eyes.
I look the way I look only through MY eyes.
I am the only person I have to maintain.

As dis-eased humans, we look outside ourselves to fix the world,
We turn to money, power, recognition, and lust for "love".
Our conditioned mind allows us to fear that without those things we will die.
Therefore we attach ourselves to the need to have. more and more and more.
If we don't obtain the job, we won't have the money... if we don't obtain the body, no one will love us.... If we don't obtain the love, we will be lonely.

We are attached to these things, because we fear not having them,
We fear not having them because we define happiness externally.

Today, when you feel animosity toward someone... when you feel the need to have power... when you feel the need to be recognized for your doings, when you feel the need for more money...

Say to yourself - go inside.
"I love you"
"I am here for you"
"I trust my intentions, and I trust you"

Being unattached only means you have with out needing because you do not fear the outcome.. because you trust yourself, and your decisions.. because they are decided with good intentions.

Love (verb) YOU!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

One Day at a Time...

We do a lot of daydreaming.
Self creation of our lives inside our head, and behind our eyeballs
Images of our self being this, and/or doing that.
Being successful, beating ourselves up, planning, planning, and lots of worrying.
When this style of living is constantly used, we are easily scared out of accomplishing our goals...
overreact in minor conflicts, misinterpret other people's communication, and loose touch with the big picture.
If you have a dream, a goal you want to reach...
try taking it one day at a time, practice patience.
We tend to have dreams, and expect them to come true tomorrow.. and if not stress stress stress.
Goals are great, and you should have them and think about them... but do not get away from the sole purpose of your goal... usually we want to better ourselves in some aspect of life.
So have your goals, be patient and trust that things will fall into place..
Instead of having goals, hacking on yourself when you go against what you "said", and being stressed about the end result.

One day at a time.
"I want to lose weight"
"I want to be healthy"

Those goals are journey's! We have to learn to accept ourselves NOW before we can accomplish our goals. Because if we don't and we "lose weight", or "become healthy" those accomplishments aren't going to satisfy.

Practice everyday love for yourself. Practice accepting you NOW. Practice being patient, and trust your intentions.

Books where I've been inspired about being patient, and trusting my intentions...
"The Seven Spiritual Steps to Success"
"The Power of your Subconscious Mind"

Love (verb) YOU.

This is me loving in the moment, and accepting me and the world right NOW

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

We Tend to be so Hard on Ourselves!

How many times throughout the day do you bad mouth yourself?
It starts as soon as we open our eyes in the morning, then happens again rolling out of bed. On to the bathroom passing by the full length mirror, ouch. Then the shower and on to breakfast.. and it continues like this ALL DAY long! Every thought of food, every bend over, every "pretty" person that walks by, every flip of the magazine pages, every check of myspace, facebook, or youtube. All the time!
How do we expect our bodies to become healthier when we are sending all these negative thoughts to it!? Don't continuously convince your mind that your body isn't good enough..... oh no.
How about being positive? How about ACCEPTING how things are right now.

Its like we tell ourselves all these horrible things that should excuse why we can't be happy right now. Ask yourself, "what is keeping me from being happy RIGHT NOW, in this moment?". Also decide what makes you happy.

"I want to be loved by someone" --- LOVE YOURSELF!

Today be aware of where you beat yourself up. Decide if its worth it, and find a new way to love yourself :)
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What do you WANT to do?

Mowed Grass Trail :)
Think about an activity you might look forward to doing. Not an activity you think can be the one you could do every day. Think of something you'd want to be doing right now, or one you would get up in the morning an look forward to doing. With out all the bulk of what you think you NEED to do in order to be healthy and happy. What activity would you DO for refreshment? The picture is a trail someone mowed on their land right off of a bike trail! How cool? Do your activity today without the pressure or worry to do it again tomorrow. Treat yourself.

Opening Words

Hey Fellow Humans,

Just a few words on what this blogspot page will display and attempt to accomplish.
I have a strong passion to help people, as many others do.
My specific drive is to help people become healthy and happy.
Even more specifically, I like to help people do it the right way, with good intentions.. from within, for themselves, and for life.
So, this page will display words, pictures, examples, experiences, education, and inspiration to, help anyone accessing this page to become enlightened on having healthy and happy bodies.
I am lending myself, with my education, experience, and patience, to you. We are in this together, and we can't do it alone. I am here to help you overcome your biggest barriers! Come to me, and I will listen, and help you... and in turn you will help me.