Tuesday, December 15, 2009


In the stages of modifying a behavior the first stage involves a thinking process. This thinking process is one you most likely go through very often when trying to change something about yourself. Most of us don't get past this stage because we let fear and doubt scare us out of taking the next step. There is a reason the thinking process occurs: when behavior change thoughts surface into your consciousness its very important, because there is a very intimate relationship between your mind and body... therefore thoughts about behavior change mean the body is communicating with the mind, and we should pay attention!!!

There are two classifications of change driven thoughts: health and professional. Health thoughts are important directions to keep your body and mind healthy. Professional thoughts are important directions to keep the world around you healthy.

to be continued...
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Ongoing living

Hey Friends,

Fears, doubts, and settling. These things hold us from doing what we want to do. Think about a time you thought of something that could make you a millionaire ... or think of a time you knew how to make something 10times better at work . What stops you from going through with the idea? What stops you from speaking up to your boss? Fears, doubts and settling.

Its understandable that we fear, doubt, and settle for less so often. Our society is built on having safety and security... its built on making money, buying houses, and raising families. Any society's norms are very thick and tough. Its not easy to do something different. Sometimes something you want to do might not be any different from the social norms, it just might be out of your realm, or seemingly far fetched.

WELL, in reality, we are able to make any dream come true. Don't let fear or doubt make you settle for less. Whether you are trying to make something better at work, or lose 50lbs you can make it happen. Think of something you have wanted to do, or change in your life and think of why it hasn't happened yet. Why hasn't it happened??? What is holding you back from accomplishing your dream?

Remember we are all more similar than we are different. Everyone has things they want to do and don't. You know the feeling you get when a teacher or boss asks a question to the entire class or room and expects someone to answer... you know the answer, but don't speak up because you fear messing up, or having the wrong answer? What would it hurt to say it? In the same regards, trying never hurt anyone (depending on what you're trying).

Take steps toward accomplishing your dreams..
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