Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The big illusion of life

Good Morning Fellow Humans

We live in movies, motion pictures starring us. We are the main character. Everything happens to us, everything is about us. When we get the chance we visualize and watch the movie, every chance we get actually... in the shower, before we go to bed, driving in the car, even talking with our friends. Our movie goes on and on and on.
This movie is our self created illusion. We see ourselves like this, we predict the future using this, and we create preconceptions like this. It is normal, and it is natural. The key is to control your illusions. The key is to have positive illusions.... about yourself, about other people, and about the world you live in. Magnetize your hopes and dreams right into your movie by loving yourself, others and your world.
Use your wisdom and let things go that would normally cause conflict in your movie; when adverse things occur, ask yourself "am I ok?". Usually, you are and/or usually you can be, unless you die, then you can't ask that question. So if you are ok... then your mind can't create the illusion that you are not ok, and cause conflict in your life.
Write down what your intentions are in life. Write your goals down. Then you'll have a clearer picture of what you are actually doing in life, and you'll be less likely to feel lost, unappreciated, or unneeded. Like I talked about in the last blog, do things because you want to do them.. not because its what everyone else has done, or its the social norm. Think about the choices you make in life, and you'll have less room to allude that you don't have purpose.
Love yourself! If you are positive about yourself all the way around, you'll be healthier and happier with YOU. Accept you right now, concentrate on what you do have instead of what you don't have. This will allow your movie to be less self loathing, and even lead to being more accepting of the people around you. This will also lead to less conflict in your movie :)

Know that the universe is inside you, the answers are with in... If you aren't careful about your movie, it could get boring because it will be repetitive. You'll be presented with the same scenarios, only in different colors, with different people, with more or less intensity. When conflict arises, find the lesson with in it, learn and move on. Change is inevitable, so depend on it :)

Love(verb) YOU.
Love(verb) ME.
Love(verb) your world.
